Monday, May 18, 2015

What is PrEP? Truvada

This is a repost from Feb 12th but I think it needs to be shown again because how many people still don't know the importance of Truvada. I have been very active with educating everyone on social media about the importance of being on PrEP (Truvada). If you are Gay, Straight or whatever and sexually active, you need to know what PrEP (Truvada) is and the benefits of this game changing medication. I am not a doctor and don't give medical advise. But I know how this medication has given me a peace of mind for almost a year. Please ask your doctor today about Truvada (link provided below).

Gilead, the maker of Truvada, offers a Co-Pay Discount Card available on their website. It is FREE!


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